NOOSi Health: A fully female-founded,
led and managed South African startup

NOOSi is a 100% female-founded, led and managed South African startup.

The NOOSi platform has created a community of qualified, private nurses with a shared passion for compassionate and cost-effective health care.

We link professional nurses to individuals and families to provide at-home and virtual nursing services.

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How it started

NOOSi started as a conversation between co-founders - Catherine Williams and Dr Sumarie Roodt - about a major South African and global problem: lack of access to professional, affordable healthcare, including nursing.

With further research into South Africa's healthcare crisis, the idea of using technology responsibly to bring quality healthcare into people's homes took shape. The potential of empowering professional nurses (the largest group of healthcare professionals in the world) to reach more people through tech developed. NOOSi Health was born when we created a team of like-minded women committed to changing health at home. NOOSi's core objective is to create a community where quality and cost-effective healthcare is easily accessible to all.

NOOSi Team

Dr Sumarie Roodt

Dr Sumarie Roodt

Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Thought leader in tech innovation, seasoned academic, and co-founder of the UCT Tech4Good Lab. Sumarie is a veteran pathfinder in innovation ecosystems, both locally and internationally.

Catherine Williams

Catherine Williams

Co-Founder & Chief Operations Officer

Professional Nurse- Midwife with psychiatry, community health and addiction care. For three decades, Catherine has pioneered new health projects, and patient-centred nursing in emergency and critical care, HIV prevention and mental health in new and challenging settings on land, at sea, and in the air.

Whitney Tennant

Whitney Tennant

Chief Technology Officer

Founder of Brave Orbit and proficient software developer, Whitney has led multiple technical teams and helped develop digital solutions for a wide range of socio-environmental impact startups across South Africa.

Jo Griffiths

Jo Griffiths

Chief Marketing Officer

Global thinker and brand strategist Jo has led the successful launch of innovative businesses, organisations and initiatives across the African continent with a cross-border collaborative mandate.

Caitlin Nash

Caitlin Nash

Chief Strategy Officer

Expert in creating partnerships for growth, Caitlin has a keen eye for opportunity and is adept at bringing big ideas to life through key relationship development and pragmatic, integrated strategies.

Dr Erin Jones

Dr Erin Jones

Chief Innovation Officer

Erin's role at NOOSi blends her experience in luxury cruise liner and hospitality health care with community-based entrepreneurship, ensuring that development of NOOSi's home health care services tackles real-life field conditions, and opportunities.

Nina van den Berg

Nina van den Berg

Head of Strategic Planning & Execution

Nina creates organisational strategic processes to bridge the gap between digital systems and their users by means of care, collaboration and creativity. At NOOSi, Nina's role is to support operations and organisational development to develop as harmoniously as possible.

Lizanne Joubert

Lizanne Joubert

Chief Financial Officer

Lizanne is a graduate of Nelson Mandela University and a qualified CA. She has spent many years working in international financial services, and since 2015, has assisted various entrepreneurs and startups to scale their businesses as a CFO.

Our Vision and Mission

Our vision is to be the digital platform of choice for people to access quality health care services at home, and for professional nurses to offer quality private nursing in their local communities.

Our mission is to make quality health care accessible and affordable by using technology responsibly.

Where does the name NOOSi come from?

The word NOOSi comes from the West African Yoruba language and means ‘nurse’. NOOSi connects to both nursing and Yoruba values. African values, and nursing science, focus on caring relationships between the nurse and the whole person, their family, and their community in matters of health and healing. NOOSi brings nursing expertise back into the home, where person- centred care can be offered. The small “i” in our name connects us to innovation, ingenuity and the impact one individual can make in the world.

Our Values

  • We create COMMUNITY through intentional actions
  • We endeavour to embody TRUST
  • We prioritise WELLBEING at every organisational touch point
  • We uphold EQUALITY in all areas
  • We pursue EXCELLENCE
  • We enhance DIGNITY in all our interactions
  • We sustain INTEGRITY throughout our operations and growth
  • We embrace RESPONSIBILITY personally and collectively
  • We commit to FAIRNESS in all our dealings

If you want to get in touch for any reason, please feel free to contact us at or via Whatsapp on 076 224 9005